From Crisis to Resiliency: Shifting Board Perspectives and Expectations

NACD Research Triangle
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Tara Foy
Executive Director
NACD Research Triangle Chapter
Jason Nelson
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About The Event
The past few years have taught leaders that the next crisis could come at any moment, so it is not surprising that “resiliency” has become a mantra for companies and boards these days. Yet resiliency is easier said than achieved.
Organizations carry out day-to-day operations knowing that many issues — from a production flaw to a supply loss to a cybersecurity breach to a public statement — have the potential to disrupt business, affect shareholders and damage brand reputation. When the inevitable crisis hits, companies follow a playbook, but things don’t always go according to plan. Perhaps it is not surprising then, that boards are increasingly asking, “how are we making sure we are prepared to anticipate and recover quickly and effectively each time?” In other words, moving from crisis to ongoing resiliency.
Join us for a discussion, which will cover areas including:
- How are the board’s questions to management changing when it comes to crisis management
- How is the board incorporating the lessons from recent crises and management efforts?
- How is the “crisis center” being leveraged to enable greater organizational resiliency?
- What are practical approaches to align siloed parts of an organization to ensure more effective anticipation and recovery?
NACD Research Triangle
Contact Us
Tara Foy
Executive Director
NACD Research Triangle Chapter
Jason Nelson
Chapter Administrator
NACD Research Triangle Chapter
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