
2018 Global Director Survey Report



GNDI—an international network of 21 director institutes—produced the first-of-its-kind publication, the 2018 Global Director Survey Report. NACD is a founding member of the GNDI. The inaugural report presents findings from a questionnaire that was out in the field from May to June 2018. Globally, more than 2,000 directors participated (including NACD members)—representing public and private companies in Africa, the Middle East, the Americas, Asia-Pacific, and Europe. The survey provides high-level views of directors’ perspectives on economic, business, and governance issues.

How can boards use this resource:

  • Identify areas for improvement in current governance practices, including oversight of disruption, board evaluations, board succession planning, board recruitment and diversity, and stakeholder engagement
  • Learn about distinct board governance approaches used in region where your company may have significant operations or is looking to acquire assets

Relevant audiences: Board members and corporate secretaries of public and private companies, board chairs, lead directors, committee chairs

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