
How to Build a Successful Director Onboarding Program

By Cindie Jamison and Jennifer W. Christensen


Directorship Magazine

While a strong onboarding program is important for any new board member, it is particularly valuable for first-time directors, especially those who may have limited or unsubstantial boardroom and board governance exposure. A board role is often the longest-tenured position one has in their career, so it is very important to get off to the right start...

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Cindie Jamison is an accomplished former CFO who has served on eight public company boards, including as board chair and audit committee chair, over her 20 years of board service. She is also an NACD Board Leadership Fellow and she was named to the NACD Directorship 100 in 2017.

Jennifer W. Christensen is the founder and managing partner of JWC Partners, a boutique board and executive recruitment firm. She has more than 15 years of board recruitment experience and has interacted with over 2,500 board directors during her tenure.


This article is from the Summer 2023 issue of Directorship.