Board Tech

Navigating New Frontiers in Governance With the Advent of AI

By Tim Glowa


Artificial Intelligence Directorship Magazine Governance

Since its release in November 2022, OpenAI’s ChatGPT has symbolized the rapid and revolutionary adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in business. The past 18 months have seen a marked increase in the use of AI by companies to foster innovation, enhance operational efficiency, and gain a competitive edge. The broad adoption of tools such as ChatGPT underscores the move toward agile, data-driven decision-making and automation. Companies are using AI to improve customer experiences, streamline supply chains, and create new products and services. This quick adoption calls for a strategic reassessment to ensure businesses not only prosper in a digital-first era but also manage AI’s complexities responsibly...

Tim Glowa
Tim Glowa is the CEO and founder of HRBrain, an AI start-up addressing human resource challenges such as diversity biases and corporate culture. He holds an International Board Director Competency Designation from M. A. Pfister Strategy Group and a Sustainability & ESG Designation from Competent Boards. 

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