Elevating Board Culture
By Mandy Wright
To be effective in the face of numerous challenges, boards must create a board culture that is agile, inclusive, and high-performing so that they can be prepared to take on these obstacles.
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In my 20-plus years of board service, I have seen successful and not-so-successful examples of combined CEO-chair board leadership structures. In cases of success, both the individuals involved and the business situation are well suited for the combined role...
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Anna C. Catalano is an experienced board director of more than 20 years. She is currently a director on the boards of HF Sinclair, Frontdoor, Ecovyst, and Hexion, and is chair of the NACD Texas TriCities Chapter and a member of the NACD Corporate Directors Institute board. She is a frequent speaker on leadership, board governance, and innovation, and an active advocate for advancing women in business.
This article is from the Fall 2023 issue of Directorship.
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