Boardroom Guide
Private Company Exit Readiness: Facilitating Preparedness and Growth
By Andrée Bourgon, Eric Gonzaga, Priya Sarjoo, Robert Schwartz, and Candice Turner
Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance
The Director's Chair
Activist, constructivist, agitator. For most, these words don’t conjure up warm images. I recently asked a colleague what he pictured when he heard the word “activist.” He jokingly said, “Barbarians at the fence, wolves circling the wagons.” But the truth of the matter is, anyone can be an activist these days. And as directors, we need to think like them…
Dawn M. Zier is a board member at Hain Celestial Group, Prestige Consumer Healthcare, Purple Innovation, and Spirit Airlines. She is also the former CEO of Nutrisystem and is a 2022 NACD Directorship 100 honoree.
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