RT Dinner: The "G" in ESG, How Board Governance Has Changed Over Time

NACD Colorado
Contact Us
Maureen Upton, Executive Director
Kathleen Clevenger, Chapter Administrator
NACD Colorado Chapter
5151 W. Ottawa Avenue
Littleton, CO 80128
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About The Event
The G in ESG: How board governance has changed over time and what to look for in today's corporate governance responsibilities.
Join NACD Colorado and chapter sponsor Faegre Drinker for this roundtable dinner of high-quality director -to-director dialogue as we share our experience in board governance committees and anticipated outlook for the future.
If interested in attending, please complete this form.
NACD Colorado
Contact Us
Maureen Upton, Executive Director
Kathleen Clevenger, Chapter Administrator
NACD Colorado Chapter
5151 W. Ottawa Avenue
Littleton, CO 80128
Find a Chapter