
Questions for Boards to Consider About Oversight of Reputation Risk

By NACD Staff


Questionnaire Risk Oversight

In brief: This board questionnaire, developed from Director Dialogue: Board Oversight of Reputation Risk, provides questions for boards as they seek to increase the quality of dialogue around oversight of reputation risk.

This resource can help your board

  • Include threats to reputation risk in the risk assessment process

  • Monitor the company’s reputation among its most important stakeholders

  • Ensure there is a robust culture around establishing and maintaining effective internal controls and responsible business behavior

Most relevant audiences: audit committee members, risk committee members, chief risk officers, and chief audit executives

  • Who are the company’s most important stakeholders? What is their perception of the company’s reputational strengths and weaknesses?

  • Does our risk-assessment process identify significant threats to reputation? If so, is it linked to the formulation of crisis-recovery plans?

  • What metrics does management use to monitor perceptions of the company in relation to competitors? What information does the board receive?

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