Governance Implication of DOJ's Emphasis on Corporate Fraud
By Michael W. Peregrine
What boards should know about a trio of new DOJ initiatives.
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Are bank failures the latest financial crisis? Starting with the sudden fall of Silicon Valley Bank in March, followed by the fall of Signature Bank and then First Republic Bank, are we now seeing a domino effect? As the not-yet-seen consequences of these bank failures begin to ripple through the greater financial system, boards can learn from the market and regulatory conditions that were factors in the downfall of these financial institutions.
Are bank failures the latest financial crisis? Starting with the sudden fall of Silicon Valley Bank in March, followed by the fall of Signature Bank and then First Republic Bank, are we now seeing a domino effect? As the not-yet-seen consequences of these bank failures begin to ripple through the greater financial system, boards can learn from the market and regulatory conditions that were factors in the downfall of these financial institutions…
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Mandy Wright is senior editor of Directorship magazine.
This article is from the Spring 2023 issue of Directorship.
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