Governance Implication of DOJ's Emphasis on Corporate Fraud
By Michael W. Peregrine
What boards should know about a trio of new DOJ initiatives.
Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance
Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Magic Oven; stock.adobe.com/mr.panya
Corporate compliance and individual accountability are never going to be the most popular items on the board’s education agenda, but they are quickly becoming two of the most significant.
With the US Department of Justice’s renewed focus on corporate fraud enforcement and new fiduciary duty interpretations from the Delaware courts, corporate responsibility is back in vogue on boardroom agendas...
Michael W. Peregrine is a partner in the Chicago office of McDermott Will & Emery. His views do not necessarily represent the views of McDermott Will & Emery or its clients. He thanks his partner, Sarah Walters, for her assistance in preparing this article.
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