Private Company Directors Insights on Success in the Current Economic Landscape

NACD Northern California
Contact Us
Lisa Spivey,
Executive Director
Kate Azima,
Director of Partnerships & Marketing
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About The Event
We kicked off our Private Company Virtual Series with an in-person event at The Sea by Alexander’s Steakhouse in Palo Alto.
A select group of guests with private company board experience entered into a rich discussion about the different skills you require to be a private company board director versus a public board director. Our guests represented a range of industries, and the discussion covered a variety of topics including how board requirements change as a company grows and how to add value as a private company board director.
Thank you to our generous sponsors for hosting this event:
NACD Northern California
Contact Us
Lisa Spivey,
Executive Director
Kate Azima,
Director of Partnerships & Marketing
Find a Chapter