Elevating Board Culture
By Mandy Wright
To be effective in the face of numerous challenges, boards must create a board culture that is agile, inclusive, and high-performing so that they can be prepared to take on these obstacles.
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Emerging Technology
Over the past 70 years, the application of computer science to analyze patterns, make predictions, and solve problems has edged ever closer to mimicking human intelligence. As artificial intelligence (AI) systems progress in their ability to learn and adjust without human intervention (machine learning) and to generate content (generative AI), AI is gaining the capacity to disrupt entire industries, with implications for corporate strategy and risk that require the attention of boards...
Sidley Austin is an NACD strategic content partner providing directors with critical and timely information and perspectives. Sidley Austin is a financial supporter of the NACD.
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Holly J. Gregory is cochair of Sidley Austin LLP’s global Corporate Governance practice and coleader of its Chambers Crisis & Risk Management-recognized ESG and Crisis Management teams.
This article is from the Fall 2023 issue of Directorship.
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