Christine Livingston
AI Consulting Managing Director, Protiviti
Christine is a Managing Director and leader of our Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things practices, and is responsible for technology innovation initiatives. She focuses on identifying emerging technology opportunities, developing innovation strategies, overseeing technology innovation and incorporating emerging technology capabilities into enterprise solutions, with a cross-industry focus. She has spent over 15 years in technology consulting and applies her engineering background with advances in technology to unlock enterprise innovation. With over a decade of experience in AI-ML deployment, she has delivered hundreds of successful AI solutions, including many first-in-class AI-enabled applications. She has helped several Fortune 100 clients develop practical strategies for enterprise adoption of new and emerging technology, including the creation of capability-driven AI-enabled technology roadmaps. Passionate about enabling new technology and capabilities, she is experienced in identifying emerging technology opportunities, developing innovation strategies, and incorporating AI-ML capabilities into enterprise solutions. She is also an experienced public speaker, presenting several times a year in large forums such as technology and industry conferences.