Snežana Gebauer
Advisory Board Member
Snežana Gebauer, a partner with StoneTurn, has 20 years of experience in managing complex international investigations for major law firms, Fortune 500 corporations, government agencies, and sovereign nations. She frequently advises leaders in business, finance, and government on risk-management strategies, investigations, and compliance matters. Gebauer is recognized for her deep investigative expertise globally and across every major business sector.
During the course of her career, Gebauer has led complex, and often high-profile, cross-border investigations into corruption, fraud, embezzlement, and misconduct. She is a leading expert in international asset-tracing and recovery investigations and regularly assists clients with judgment or award enforcement. Gebauer has also served as an integrity monitor and been retained to conduct independent reviews mandated by public-sector agencies.
Gebauer managed one of the most complex Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and bid-rigging investigations in Latin America, resulting from Operacao Lava Jato (Operation Car Wash, in English), the largest criminal probe into corruption in recent history. She was also engaged by the Brazilian Congress to lead an asset-tracing investigation into funds embezzled abroad by Petrobras executives and other Brazilian government officials.
Clients also turn to Gebauer for advice and risk-mitigation strategies, intelligence, and due diligence in relation to potential acquisitions or investments. Gebauer helps clients protect their reputations and interests when confronted by an unforeseen crisis or in high-stakes business disputes by arming them with facts and critical intelligence to guide the decision-making process.
Over the past two decades, Gebauer has lived and worked in New York; London; Washington, DC; and Sao Paulo, overseeing global teams of consultants and assisting clients with issues in developing countries and high-risk regions. She has conducted investigations in more than 65 countries and across a range of industries, including energy, mining, life sciences, crypto, technology, financial services, manufacturing, and infrastructure.
Prior to joining StoneTurn, Gebauer held leadership positions at three global investigative consulting firms. Most recently, she was an executive managing director and the Americas investigations practice leader based out of New York. Prior to this role, she was the country managing director for Brazil at another global consulting firm. Her leadership and management experience included significant restructuring and strategic growth successes.
Gebauer received her master of business administration from George Washington University, with a specialization in international finance, and her bachelor of arts from Drake University, graduating summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. She also attended The American Institute on Political and Economic Systems at Georgetown University.
Gebauer was named to the 2019 Crain’s New York Business’s “40 under 40” and was selected a David Rockefeller Fellow by the Partnership for New York City. She is individually ranked Band 2 in both the 2021 and 2022 Chambers Litigation Support Guide under Business Intelligence & Investigations, USA Nationwide.
She speaks Portuguese, German, Macedonian, and Serbo-Croatian.