Jim Schleckser

Jim Schleckser, NACD.DC

Advisory Board Member

Jim Schleckser is the CEO of the Inc. CEO Project, helping leaders grow their companies. He specializes in the issues that fast-growth firms experience in their business models, talent, processes, and systems as they reach higher levels of performance. Schleckser and his team work with over 100 CEOs of high-growth companies nationwide.

With 30 years of leadership in business, he brings to the table experience in leading global organizations in both public and private environments across many functional areas. He has been quoted in The New York Times, Time, Huffington Post, and National Public Radio. His ideas have been translated into nine languages, and he has done business in more than 27 countries. Schleckser is the author of the best-selling published book, Great CEOs Are Lazy, detailing the behaviors that make the difference in CEO performance.

He has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware and an MBA in Marketing and Finance from the University of Connecticut. He has done postgraduate work at London School of Business.

Schleckser serves on the board of Defenders as the chair of Talent & Compensation and previously as the chair of Governance and Nominating. He also serves on the board of Daniel Defense, AltoVista Software, and Youth with a Mission, San Pedro, DR. He has previously served on the board of Hanover Research.

Schleckser is a soccer player, CrossFitter, prolific reader, and outdoorsman. He resides in Potomac, Maryland.

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