The Future of Health Care: What Board Members Need to Know

Contact Us
Heather May
Executive Director
358 South 700 East, Suite B, Box 320
Salt Lake City, UT 84102
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About The Event
The notion that all companies are now health care companies is truer now than ever before. Demands for healthy workforces and access to equitable care are playing a central role in how companies approach human capital strategy, and there is a positive connection between employee wellness and business performance.
Join fellow directors and our experienced panel to hear perspectives on the outlook for the evolution of health care in the wake of sweeping changes including the pandemic, demographic change in the workforce, and other societal shifts; the impact and pace of tech-enabled transformation in the health care sector; the convergence of industries resulting in blurring boundaries of the healthcare “ecosystem”; and what all this means for board oversight of talent and human capital strategy.
Contact Us
Heather May
Executive Director
358 South 700 East, Suite B, Box 320
Salt Lake City, UT 84102
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