Stakeholder Capitalism Under Attack

NACD New England
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Deb Rosenthal
Executive Director
NACD New England Chapter
Larissa Ravetto
Events & Administrative Coordinator
NACD New England Chapter
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About The Event
Please note that this event is open to sitting public board directors only.
NACD New England and Women Corporate Directors
invite you to an invitation-only
Stakeholder Capitalism Under Attack
Governing for the Future Board Series
Raj Sisodia, our speaker, published his groundbreaking book Conscious Capitalism in 2013 which argues that businesses should operate ethically by pursuing a higher purpose beyond profit and serving the interests of all stakeholders involved, not just management and shareholders. This was radical thinking at the time, but by 2019 the Business Roundtable released a new Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation signed by 181 CEOs who committed to lead their companies for the benefit of all stakeholders – customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and shareholders.
Directors started focusing on a broader range of issues - understanding the financials and the stock price were no longer enough. Boardroom topics included the composition of the workforce at all levels of the organization; customer engagement; environmental impact; community relations; and many other subjects once relegated to (or ignored by) management. With new skill sets required, more diverse voices were brought into boardrooms.
Just as boards were gaining a better understanding of systemic barriers, new employee and customer expectations, and climate and ecosystem threats, this entire way of thinking about the role of the corporation is now under attack. The widening of the boardroom aperture that many believe is not just a moral but an economic imperative has been turned into a political lightening rod.
Where do boards and directors go from here? Is the pendulum swinging back to a strict focus on shareholders or is it time to stand up to critics and continue on the path towards stakeholder capitalism? Join us for an armchair discussion with the founder of the Conscious Capitalism movement, Raj Sisodia, and come ready to talk about your board’s progress on this journey.
Attendees will receive a copy of Raj Sisodia’s new book - Awaken: The Path to Purpose, Inner Peace, and Healing.
NACD New England
Contact Us
Deb Rosenthal
Executive Director
NACD New England Chapter
Larissa Ravetto
Events & Administrative Coordinator
NACD New England Chapter
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