Strategy in Action: CEO Insights and Boardroom Perspectives
April 1, 2025 9:15 AM - 12:45 PM CDT Chicago, IL

NACD Chicago Chapter
Contact Us
Greg Hedges
President and Chief Executive Officer
NACD Chicago Chapter
5400 West Elm Street
McHenry, IL 60050
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About The Event
Member Price: $100.00
Non Member Price: $125.00
Credits: 3 NACD Credits
Join us on 1 April, 2025, at the Chicago History Museum for a remarkable event featuring top leaders in corporate strategy and governance.
Dan Hesse, former CEO of Sprint and current Chairman of cloud services provider Akamai, and also chair of the Technology Committee of PNC; and Bill Zollars, former CEO of YRC Worldwide and former Kodak executive, will share deep insights into corporate strategy from their colorful, varied and extensive experience.
The program continues with a robust panel discussion drilling down on the board's specific roles in strategy.
Dan and Bill then join the panel moderated by Aon North America COO Kim Muhota, a former Accenture strategist. Also joining? Former CEO and multi-director Frank Jaehnert, of the NACD Chicago Chapter board. All will unravel perspectives to definitely answer your questions around, "What is the Board's Role in Strategy?"
Held in the museum's dramatic setting, this event offers rare, interactive Q&A sessions with these CEOs, followed by a joint discussion as the two of them join, compare notes and interact with you.
The event finishes with an amazing buffet luncheon allowing you to continue informal conversation with your peers.
The added bonus? An afternoon to explore the museum’s premier exhibits. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain actionable insights from leading business figures while enjoying one of Chicago's most iconic venues!
9:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Registration, Coffee, and Seating
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM: Two CEO Perspectives: Dynamic Talks on Strategic Leadership and Transformation
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Panel Discussion: The Board’s Role in Strategy
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Buffet Luncheon Served
1:00 PM: Guests Are Free to Tour the Chicago History Museum Exhibits
Learning Outcomes
What is the Board's Role in Strategy?
Chicago History Museum
Please contact Greg Hedges at 312.480.7030 if you would like to join as a group to explore reduced member pricing.
NACD Chicago Chapter
Contact Us
Greg Hedges
President and Chief Executive Officer
NACD Chicago Chapter
5400 West Elm Street
McHenry, IL 60050
Find a Chapter