Reid Blackman, PhD

Founder and CEO of Virtue; Advisor to AWS, US Bank, the FBI, NASA and the World Economic Forum

Reid Blackman, Ph.D., is the author of “Ethical Machines” (Harvard Business Review Press), Founder and CEO of Virtue, a digital ethical risk consultancy. He was a founding member of EY’s AI Advisory Board and a Senior Advisor to the Deloitte AI Institute. His work, which includes advising and speaking to organizations including AWS, US Bank, the FBI, NASA, and the World Economic Forum, has been profiled by The Wall Street Journal, the BBC, and Forbes. His research appeared in numerous prestigious professional journals including the European Journal of Philosophy, The Canadian Journal of Philosophy, and Erkenntnis. Reid’s applied research has appeared in The Harvard Business Review and The New York Times. He also founded a fireworks wholesaling company and was even a flying trapeze instructor. Reid has served as volunteer Chief Ethics Officer for the non-profit Government Blockchain Association, and an advisor to the Canadian government on their federal AI regulations. Prior to founding Virtue, Reid was a professor of philosophy at Colgate University and UNC-Chapel Hill. He received his B.A. from Cornell University, his M.A. from Northwestern University, and his Ph.D. from The University of Texas, Austin.

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