Michael Leavitt
Board Chair, Intermountain Health
Mike Leavitt’s career is divided into the three distinct parts. He spent nearly 20 years building businesses in the risk management sector, followed by 16 years in public service: governor of Utah for three terms (1993 to 2003), and two roles in the Cabinet of President George W. Bush, first as administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (2003 to 2005) and then as secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (2005 to 2009). Since leaving public service, Mike has focused on the advancement of value-based healthcare by building healthcare businesses. On a personal level, Mike is the oldest of six sons. He and wife Jackie have been married for more than 40 years. The Leavitt’s have five children and 15 grandchildren. Despite his imperfections at golf, it remains Mike’s hobby of choice. After 45 years, he finally scored his first hole-in-one on his 60th birthday.