Ed Burbach

Chair, Foley & Lardner’s national State Attorneys General practice; co-Chair, Foley's state attorneys general 

Edward “Ed” Burbach chairs Foley & Lardner LLP’s government solutions practice group, cochairs Foley’s state attorneys general and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) consumer practices, and is managing partner of the Austin office. Ed leverages his experience as both a litigation lawyer and a leading state regulator/enforcer to manage high-stakes regulatory claims for clients. With this unique background, he counsels corporations, individuals, and governmental entities in matters involving local, state, and federal governments, with an emphasis on state attorneys general and the FTC. He and his team members maintain strong relationships with all state attorneys general and their staffs and regularly attend major National Association of Attorneys General, Attorney General Alliance, Republican Attorneys General Association, and Democratic Attorneys General Association meetings. Most recently, Ed led an interdisciplinary Foley team through a 7½-year investigation and litigation (in Chicago, Illinois; Trenton, New Jersey; and Dallas, Texas, federal courts), resulting in a complete September, 28, 2023, federal trial court victory in FTC v. Neora, which the media has labeled as “historic.”. The American Lawyer honored Ed by naming him and two other Foley trial partners as Litigators of the Week in the US (October 6, 2023).

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