Alan Airth

Board Director - Mars, Inc

Alan Airth was appointed to the Mars, Incorporated board in 2016. He was the first non-direct family member in the company’s 100-year history to serve as a voting member of the board. The Mars’ 4th generation is now overseeing this global family-owned business. In addition, Alan’s work as a proven steward of the interests of multiple branches and a total of six generations of family continues – a role he first took up fifteen years ago. Alan also serves on the Litehouse Foods board of directors. Litehouse Foods is a 100% employee-owned business based in Sandpoint, Idaho. Alan’s background includes a successful career as a commercial real estate executive in Orange County, CA. His expertise includes asset management and executive leadership in both corporate environments and entrepreneurial enterprises. He served on the board, and time as president, of NAIOP SoCal chapter (National Association of Industrial & Office Properties.) Alan has an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Business and a BA in Real Estate and Finance from the University of Arizona. He holds memberships with the National Association of Corporate Directors and the Private Directors Association. He is a director with the American Prairie as well as the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Foundation Board.

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