Kristi Kennedy

Director with Ernst & Young LLP’s Office of Public Policy

Kristi Kennedy is a Director with Ernst & Young LLP’s Office of Public Policy in Washington, DC. In that role, Kristi works to promote EY public policy objectives with elected officials, regulators and their staffs in a way that furthers the firm’s business objectives. Kristi also engages with key EY personnel to bring their expertise to Washington and give our team members a voice in the shaping of national policy. Prior to EY, Kristi developed an extensive network on Capitol Hill with over a dozen years of experience representing Fortune 50 corporations, trade associations and interest groups on a wide array of legislative matters. Kristi is skilled at managing multi-faceted legislative campaigns and coordinating the diverse interests necessary to reach success. She has a proven track record of understanding and integrating with large corporate organizations to craft strategic plans and achieve results. After receiving her law degree from Georgetown University, Kristi was an associate at Kirkpatrick & Lockhart before joining the staff of U.S. Senator Paul Sarbanes. She served as Legislative Director for Senate Banking Committee Chairman Sarbanes, managing his legislative staff, serving as a liaison with Leadership and other Hill/Administration offices, and coordinating Senator Sarbanes’ legislative agenda, including during passage of the landmark Sarbanes-Oxley legislation. Kristi holds a BA from Emory University.

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